Quinton Parish, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire
Quinton Primary School
Textile Recycling Bank
The textile recycling bank has been a tremendous success and we would like to thank our villagers who have supported this fundraising scheme. We have installed a bigger bank at the school and hopefully this will assist with the volume of donations we are receiving. Please can we remind everybody to put their donations in a small supermarket bag as bigger bags cause blockage and prevent others from using the bank. Textile recycling has proven very profitable for the school and the Church and we hope everybody will continue to support us.
Online Giving
We are forever on the lookout for schemes that involve little effort from our community but make a big difference to the fundraising at the school. If you are regularly buying online, then please register for FREE at www.thegivingmachine.com and the school will receive a donation every time you purchase something online. Please spread the word!
Thank you in advance for supporting your local school!