Quinton Parish, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire
St Swithins Church
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Baptisms Weddings Funerals etc
Pattern of Services
Under 5s
Study Groups
Services in the Same Benefice
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St Swithins Future
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See latest Newsletter for very latest information
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Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals
by arrangement with:
Revd Jay Niblett jay@rivervalechurches.co.uk
To avoid disappointment, please contact before making other arrangements.
You should also consult Jay if you wish to use the Church for a concert or other event.
Pattern of Services
Pattern of Services
by Sundays in the month
1st Sunday 10.30 a.m. No Service
2nd Sunday 10.30 a.m. Family Communion
3rd Sunday 10.30 All In Family Service
4th Sunday 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion
5th Sunday Service at one of the churches in the Benefice.
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Under 5s
This is held in Quinton and Adlington Village Hall every Wednesday morning from 0900 to 10.30 (excluding Bank Holidays) and is term time only
Have a coffee and a chat with friends while your children under 5 are looked after by caring adults. The time together will finish with a story from the Bible and a prayer.
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Services in the same Benefice
Welford St Peter's, Weston All Saints and Long Marston St James are in the same Benefice and served by Rev Yvette Grundy
for Clergy, Reader and Wardens.
Rector - Revd Jay Niblett
Curate -
Wardens - Jane 07365 517962 David 07709 093622
Reader - Linda Thomas 01789 721180
E Mail admin@rivervalechurches.co.uk
Phone 07873 652762
Web site https://www.rivervalechurches.co.uk/
St Swithin's Future
We want to keep St Swithin’s alive and well and used by all in our villages, and welcome everyone for special occasions like weddings, and baptisms and funerals, and indeed for many other events. It has been doing it since 1283 and with the help of local people it can go on doing it for a long time to come.
Years ago, the Church swanked around, had plenty of money and many wealthy patrons. Parsons were gentry and lots of people were made to think that they were not "worthy" to come to Church. A lot of the wealth was in land, and you only need to look around and see how many `great houses` are now in the hands of the National Trust to realise that the value of such historic resources has shrunk over the years. The Church Commissioners now administer all these historic resources, and most years they they do rather better than most Investment Managers. (Of course if they have a hiccup it gets in the papers!!!) Parsons now get pensions, and most of them keep on taking services while they can still stand up. But although the papers will headline `The Church Commissioners Millions`, the fact is there is not nearly enough money to keep the Church of England up and running.
Every year we are asked by the Diocese (that is the group of parishes under the Bishop of Gloucester) for a set amount of money that goes towards clergy stipends, pension contributions, and in-service training; the upkeep of Churches and Vicarages; the training of new clergy; and all the other things it takes to keep the Church of England running. It is called the Parish Share. In the current year is £21776. If we don’t pay the share in full, we could find ourselves sharing a Vicar with even more parishes, or in the end, the Church could close. On top of the Share we have insurance, heating and lighting, and repairs to the Church, and necessary supplies - like light bulbs, If you can help us by donation we would be most grateful.
But really what God wants is people - to take an interest in the Christian faith, to join us at regular services, to learn to love Jesus Christ, and to pass on that love to their children.
Unless that happens, St Swithin's will just be a museum.
Clothing Bank at Quinton School
St.Swithins Church needs funds to preserve its ancient building. One of our fund-raising events has been to collect recyclable clothing etc. to be redistributed to needy people, and over the last two years we have collected about 4 tonnes of goods, thanks to the generosity of villagers and their friends.
The school and the church are going to work together for the forseeable future with the installation of a clothing bank located at the school gate.
We hope the whole village will contribute with donations, which will be recycled / reused as before. Please donate - Adult & childrens clothing.
Paired shoes & trainers. Handbags & belts.
Sheets, curtains, towels. Duvet covers, pillow cases.
NOT duvets and pillows, or soft toys.
Clean clothing etc. to be put in plastic supermarket bags and closed.